Do you allow sewer tank dumping and water tank filling?
No, we don’t offer these services without a weekly or monthly rental agreement.

Are utilities included?
Rental prices include water, sewer, trash collection and electricity. Gas, wifi and other utilities are not provided.

Is the Park secure?
Magnolia Beach is a quiet area, however tenants should keep RVs locked and items properly secured at night and when they are not present. We also remind tenants to exercise caution with local wildlife.

My trailer is older and it needs a little work, can I still rent?
We strive to maintain a pleasant environment for all tenants and therefore we ask that your RV be in good shape and that you keep your RV, rental space and the Park grounds clean and neat at all times.

Can I bring my dog or cat?
We allow well behaved pets in the Park. The owner will be asked to complete and sign the pet rental addendum, pay a refundable pet deposit of $100, and follow the pet guidelines at all times.

Do I have to sign a lease to rent an RV Space, RV or the Cottage?
Yes, we will forward you the Lease Agreement and Park Rules for your review and signature when you make your booking.

Do you require a deposit to rent an RV Space, RV or the Cottage?
Yes, we require a refundable deposit and we will discuss that with you at the time of the booking.

How can I pay my deposit and my rent?
We recognize that every individual manages their money in different ways so we try to make it as easy as possible to pay. We accept Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover, checks and yes even good old fashioned cash.

Can I clean my fish in the RV Park?
We do not allow cleaning fish in the RV Park or disposing of bait or fishing waste in the trash. This is to maintain the cleanliness of the Park and to ensure scavenger animals are not attracted to the waste.

Can I grill and barbecue in the RV Park?
Grills or barbecues are welcome. Be sure to exercise caution with hot coals and be sure to locate the grill or barbecue so that the smoke and noise does not bother other tenants.

Can I play music and eat outside?
Part of the enjoyment of being close to the beach is spending time outside in sunshine and feeling the sea breeze. We simply ask that you keep noise to a minimum so as not to disturb other tenants in the RV Park. Our primary goal is ensure that each of our guests has an enjoyable time and feels like they are staying at their home away from home.